Wednesday, March 5, 2008


OK, so Tuesday's update is a little late. Sorry about that. We're seeing a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel, here. The nurses began preparing us Tuesday for Zac's release. They went over the release procedures, gave us our bag of goodies, and gave Zac his Hepatitis-B shot as well. They talked about putting him in his car seat to make sure his oxygen levels stay correct (in other words, that the seat fits his size right so he's comfortable and able to breathe normally, not all squished up), and about things to watch for when we get him home that we shouldn't be alarmed by. That's good, because when you have essentially 24-hour nurse nannies taking care of your child, you have very little to worry about. You don't want to panic the first time you hear a cough that doesn't sound right when it's actually just a baby being a baby, you know?

We haven't made it up to the hospital just yet today, but when we left last night, he'd taken his previous 8 feedings all by bottle. If he did the same overnight and continues today, his release could be by the end of this week, so we'll see! Last time we checked his weight, so we don't know if he gained again yesterday yet, but I'd expect him to because he's not spitting up much and he's taking in more than he was previously. More updates later today!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Wow! That's a lot of improvement in just a day or so. Sweet! Praying that you get to bring him home by Friday!