Monday, October 27, 2008

Time for New Pics

Well, it's time for some new pics. I've updated the slide show on the right with 14 new ones tonight, and wanted to add a couple for you to view, one of Zac's teeth and one of him sitting on the stairs. He's taken to sitting here and there lately, but we don't think he realizes that he can actually do it. He'll sit for a good minute or two sometimes, then other times just plop right over.

So here those are, and now I get to share a little of Katy's excitement from work today. I haven't grabbed the pics off her camera, but a building just a few doors down from hers, one slated for implosion next week, caught fire today. So it was
quite the scene downtown and made leaving work a little tougher for her. On the good side, she had some excitement to talk about during the day and had a chance to see a lot of smoke, if not the actual flames, which were apparently visible a bit earlier than when she headed outside. We went to McAlister's tonight for supper (those of you who lived in the South at all know what I'm talking about) and the firetrucks, ambulances and police cars were still prevalent all around downtown, with several streets still blocked off.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I think every weekend there is a specific intent to take more pictures, get a new video or two, and get them up on the blog. Unfortunately, the best plans don't often seem to come to fruition in these new days of feeling constantly overwhelmed with things to be done, where time runs very fast.

Zac did pick up a new thing this weekend, making the connection between watching us clap for him and clapping his hands for him, to actually doing it on his own. He's now, of course, very proud of himself when he claps and we try to affirm him as much as we see it. Since he's feeling pretty much back to normal, he is back to his regular happy self most of the time, also.

Some good news to share is that we have found an in-home daycare option and will be able to remove Zac from the current daycare situation we hate at the end of this month. We could do it now, but financially, we'd already paid for the last two weeks of October and don't want to be poor stewards with the money God has given us. What's cool is that his new care provider will be the wife of the singles pastor at our church. She has two children of her own, the youngest is one year old, and we know she'll take great care of Zac. Though the cost will be slightly higher than what we presently pay, it is still well below what we'd expected and he'll receive much better care and individual attention than he has been, plus he shouldn't end up sick nearly as often either. Praise God!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Zac Size Update

Thought we'd pass along a quick size update. Zac had to see the doctor on Friday because, well, because he kept us up all night Thursday. Maybe this will be a new rule we put in. Keep us up all night, go see the doctor. Anyway, they found he was getting an apparent ear infection, so he's on antibiotics for that now. A side effect of seeing the doctor is getting weighed. So, we decided measure him today as well to go along with the weight.

Thing is, what we measured has him shrinking by an inch from last month, which can't be true. So we'll re-try it once he wakes up from his nap and go again. He is 19 lbs, 2 oz now, which is not a huge weight gain, but he's likely leveling out a bit at this point.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Who Needs Sleep?

As parents, Katy and I have been very, very lucky so far in that Zac has always been a good sleeper. It only took him a fairly short time after getting out of the NICU to where he would sleep long portions of the night, and he was somewhere around 4 months or a little less when he began fully sleeping through the night. So, we've been a little spoiled.

Until last night. He went to bed around 8, seemingly in good spirits and doing alright, but woke up a little after 11, crying for some unknown reason. I really, really need a baby-to-adult translator for this boy. Anyway, that started a very long night for the two of us, with small respites in between, until maybe 4 a.m. or so when Katy was finally able to put him back in his bed for good. Until then, he had no interest in sleeping unless it was with Katy holding him.

He seems to have a bit of a fever, and did throw up around 1:30 a.m., plus his nose is stuffy and he's had a cough for about a week. Our small group on Wednesday nights has 3 nurses, and they felt like his cough sounded just fine, that it was nothing to worry about. We believe he may be teething again, which would contribute to many things, but his crying was not from his mouth. We're pretty sure it was his tummy. I am home with Zac this morning, then Katy will come home so I can go to a meeting I have at 10. Then I'll return and she can get back to work as she has some financials to get taken care of today.

Hey, we can sleep in tomorrow, right? HA! If only Zac agreed with that idea. :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rolling & Talking

Two new videos, one with him rolling over (first time we've caught that on video) and one with him talking, which he usually doesn't do when the camera is on him. :)

Patty Cake

I uploaded a new video today of Katy playing patty cake with Zac. It should be displaying on the right side before too long. He loves playing that with her, and always gets a kick out of it. We've been trying to get a video of him rolling over for over a week now, but he just hasn't been cooperative when we've specifically tried catching him. We'll get it up there eventually. I had hoped to add a new pic to this entry, but he's not much fun at the moment and that makes him much less photogenic than usual, too, so I'll try to get one up later today or tomorrow.

Katy and I had opportunity to go to our first small group meeting this past Wednesday night. We're in a group with many couples, and we're pretty excited about the chance to spend time with them even outside the study, plus several have already volunteered to watch Zac for us. That means we might actually get a date night sometime soon. You don't really understand just how badly you need that once you have children until you go several months without a break. Yeah, we could use it. :)

NOTE Added 2:04PM: I seem to be having issues getting the correct, most current videos to display. As such, I'm going to now insert the patty cake video here and create a new post with the latest videos I posted.