Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Baby Dedication on Mother's Day

Zac is being dedicated this Sunday at our church. I think it's neat that we're doing it on Mother's Day, too, though that is a bit unusual from a timing perspective, I'm sure. He's certainly enjoying his time this week with Grandma and Grandpa being here in Omaha with us. Grandma dotes on him constantly, which gives me extra time to take care of things around the house and job search without being constantly distracted.

Unfortunately, I think Zac is a little under the weather right now. He seems to be a bit edgy and his nose is a little stuffy. He also is getting some stuff in his eyes, so we'll just take it easy and he should be fine in a day or so. One thing we hope is that Zac isn't subject to allergies just yet like we are. Katy has to take Claritin every day and I have to take Allegra from Spring through Fall. He's gone for walks the past few days as the weather has been so nice here and that could be why he's having the sniffles a bit. :)


Dave said...

I'll tell ya what's going to be unusual about Zac's child dedication: Me doing it! That's usually the time we bring out the tambourines and snakes...we usually just don't tell people about that b/c it weirds people out. Hmmmm....

Scott said...

Dang. I thought I'd gotten away from that stuff when I left Glad Tidings. Guess it's just too much fun to leave out of a church service. :)