Tuesday, March 3, 2009

And I Ran...

Fitting my lifelong goal of equating as many situations to movies, music or television as possible, I give you today Zac's Flock of Seagulls moment. Took this pic last Saturday and, though it's not completely obvious, his hair was suspiciously similar to that which we equate to the musical group whenever see this style.

Now, this hairstyle was also made popular in flashback segments of Friends where we saw Chandler and Ross in their collegiate days. Flock of Seagulls is kind of the quintessential 80s band, the one everyone recognizes and expects to hear on an 80s segment of music on any radio station. The primary song, "And I Ran" can be seen and heard here if you like. If you'd like to see the video that is responsible for the Flock of Seagulls "look", check it out below. Enjoy!


Jane said...

I have one question, "what is up with the guys hair?"

Scott said...

Well, Jane, it's getting better. The longer it gets the more it lays down, but we do have to treat it with some spray gel after his bath so it lays down better! :)