Friday, February 27, 2009

The Pox?

We have a bit of a debate going on in the house right now. We have seen evidence of possible chicken pox on Zac, but it's not really spreading or turning into more if indeed that is what it is. The other possibility is that he has little hives from the clothing he's worn the past 3 days, which were given to us by his babysitter and which I hadn't washed on my own. However, this seems to be an unlikely source if only because he's worn other clothes she'd given him before I washed them and had no issues at all.

Again, though, no real spreading of anything or other signs, though he has had a fever off and on for a few days. Other than this, he is in great spirits, as you can see from this picture I took yesterday. I also just uploaded a new video on the YouTube site, so that should show shortly, or you can click on the link to the right lower down that says "Family Videos on YouTube" and see all the videos uploaded there. Enjoy the weekend everyone!

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