Friday, April 25, 2008

Size Update

I promised you a size update and have one, but was delayed in getting to this until late tonight as I've been busy trying to semi-finish off the basement room so guests have a place to stay. Specifically, mom and dad will be here in a little over a week and will need a room, so now they have one, since I finished it around 11 tonight. Phew! Hopefully the feeling in my hands returns soon and I can actually close my hands first thing in the morning within a few days. :)

So we had Zac's 3-month checkup today. He's having monthly checkups right now just because he was so early. Now remember, he was 9 weeks early to begin with, and we were told to expect him to be at least 6 weeks behind on behavioral and learning things for the first 9-12 months, or even more. The good news is, he's finally on the charts for size and weight, even for a 3-month-old. Just for kicks, Dr. Ogden compared where he would be on the 2-month-old charts (so that's 4 weeks, not even 6 different) and while he's barely on in the 3-month charts, he'd be in the 50th percentile for height at 2 months and I think 25th percentile for weight if they took it at that level. I say that just to point out he is getting bigger and, as we thought, will likely be a pretty big boy here before his first year is out.

Now for the details. He weighed in today at 10 pounds, 2 ounces and he is now 23 inches long. Not bad for where he started! Well, we're off to Custer tomorrow (Friday) around mid-afternoon. I'll update as I can while there.

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