Sunday, April 20, 2008

Close To Laughing

Just realized I hadn't posted any news since last Wednesday, so thought I better give some type of update lest everyone think we've dropped off the edge. Still trying to get the downstairs room turned into a bedroom so guests have a place to stay when visiting. The first test is mom and dad, who are coming back with us from a trip we have to make up to Custer on the 25th. It's either give them a place to stay or do a bunch of maneuvering to fit them in Zac's room and move him to the living room.

Drywall was delivered yesterday, and I finished about half of the walls. Now I'm taking today off because I can barely use my hands and I'm sore to the point where everything hurts. :) Hopefully tomorrow I'll get most of the rest of the walls up, with Katy's help, and then can find a way to lay down the carpet. I don't have two of the necessary carpet tools, so it may just lay in there temporarily until I can get baseboard down and rent the tools to properly attach the carpet. I still have outlets to tie into the main power, but it will be good enough for mom and dad to stay in when they arrive and I can finish the rest maybe once I find a job or have earned a little more money somewhere else.

Last night, Zac was very fussy and didn't sleep much, which kept Katy up quite a bit, meaning neither of them were able to make it to church today. I was running sound this week, which is why Katy was up last night and why I couldn't be home to assist. He seems to be doing better now, for the most part, though sleeping apparently has left his limited vocabulary. Just the other day we were thrilled he'd begun to sleep in 5-hour spurts at night, which is a huge, huge help for getting some sleep. Then he has a night like last night. Wouldn't you just know it?

On the job front, I was supposed to hear this past week from two places, one up in Norfolk and one in Missouri, but heard from neither one of them, which was surprising. I've broadened our search now to include any number of states and look even beyond that if something interesting shows up on or one of the other national job boards. For people at my career level, relocation isn't often covered and many businesses don't have an interest in candidates from out of town, which means two things. It means that one, Omaha is still the most likely option for eventually finding a job and, more importantly, none of this matters because God is deciding it anyway. :)

Back to Zac. As soon as we get him to begin laughing, which he's pretty close to doing right now, we'll capture it on video and that'll likely be the next post. It'll either be that or the cats doing something funny. That's it for today's update.

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