Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Cruise - Late First Day Post


Here I am the morning of day two, writing a little bit about day one of our cruise. And, a bit troubling, I started this on my phone rather than the laptop, making it a real challenge to get the pics aligned as I prefer. So this post, just three pics. The first is as we were leaving Seattle. Katy and I went up to the 12th deck as we left so we could see some views of the city and water and experience our departure. It was beautiful and warm at the time, and certainly unique for someone who has never been on a cruise before. 

As we headed out, for quite some time we were between Washington to our south and Canada to our north. The second picture is not Canada. This is the Olympia Mountains, if I have that right, and I just wanted to capture the snow-capped peak. 

The third pic captures Mount Rainier off in the distance as we left port. You can see it in the far right of this picture. 

So back to the ship. Once we boarded and found out vaccinations apparently mean nothing to the CDC, we set about exploring primarily outdoor areas, where we didn’t have to have a battle between science and politics. We have much left to see, but did get to a very fun comedy show last night, Greg Vacciarello, which was unexpected. 

Mickie and Chad joined us for that show, and I think we all had a really good time. Prior to the show, Katy and I stopped for a drink and had a chance to hear a very good musician playing guitar and singing a lot of varying musical styles. Great talent.

If this post seems very disjointed and different from my normal writing, that's because I'm a little disjointed as I get settled in here. I can't post this using my phone as moving images doesn't work in the mobile app, so we ended up paying for a third internet connection (don't ask how much THAT costs) for the week so I can do these and Katy can do more work with her health coaching as needed.  The cruise is off to an interesting start. We will try to focus on the positives, of which there are many, and focus mostly on events that allow us to enjoy it as it should be. We are very much looking forward to excursions over the next few days and getting to see Alaska. We are out to sea today and off in the distance I can see some remote Canadian islands to our east. I will post again either tonight (we are 3 hours behind CST at the moment, so most of my posts will likely show in the middle of the night) or first thing tomorrow morning.

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