Sunday, August 15, 2021
A Garth Event

Monday, August 2, 2021
The Cruise - Brief Recap and Video Links
Monday, July 26, 2021
The Cruise - Day Seven - Endless Views

Our last night finished with the best show of the entire week, and there were some really good ones. This one was created brand new as an homage to stage and screen, primarily Broadway. We LOVE Broadway, so we were really looking forward to it. What we did not expect were some vocalists, the blonde in the middle of this picture in particular, who were Broadway quality. My GOSH was she good. It was 47 straight minutes of non-stop action, moving between different numbers, different sets, different dances...it was almost dizzying and again, the quality of it was absolutely incredible. I could have watched that for three hours.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
The Cruise - Day Six - Ketchikan
Day six found us on our way to Ketchikan. When I awoke before 7 and went out to our balcony, I spent about an hour just enjoying the view and watching the world pass us by. One thing that caught my attention was just how serene the waters were. I tried to capture them in this picture here, and also the variances I saw in currents, or whatever that is where you can clearly see differences in the water. I also saw a whale pop out of the water and go down, tail and all. Not as chilly as it had been around Juneau the day before, it was a relaxing morning to settle in before breakfast.

Saturday, July 24, 2021
The Cruise - Day Five - Juneau
Ah, Juneau. What a nice change day five was for us. I have shared several things on FB already but this was my favorite stop so far, by far, because of the people.
We arrived to a sort of Juneau red carpet, it seemed. Since our Sled Dogs excursion didn't start until a little before 9, and the ship had docked around 7, we were in no rush to get off the ship before breakfast. Once we completed that, we headed out. Arriving on the pier we were immediately greeted by someone with, as he called it, the Assembly. That's what his nametag said as well. I guess it's a kind of welcoming committee, and it was so friendly, and he was so happy to see us...what a great start to the day!
And there was more! We had people handing out stickers and welcoming us, thanking us for coming. THANKING US. That was one of the neatest parts, along with the TV crew taking video of us, up close, as we were being greeted. Yes, we have stopped in a few ports prior and done some neat things, but nowhere were they as excited to see us as in Juneau. I realize tourism plays a big role in this little city and helps drive the local economy, but the joy in seeing us was very genuine. It made us feel like we were very welcomed, not a nuisance, not just these tourists that drop in on their lives.
Friday, July 23, 2021
The Cruise - Day Four - Icy Strait Point
Thursday, July 22, 2021
The Cruise - Day Three - Sitka
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
The Cruise - Day Two - A Day On the Sea...and Music!
In the evenings, all 10 of us dine together in the main dining room, always at the same two tables, always with the same two staff. I was a little surprised last night when we were called by name and that they had remembered we liked lemon with our water. Last night for dinner I had the butter-lemon baked cod. This picture is just horrible at showing how thick and huge this piece of cod was. I'd guess 2 to 2 1/2" in height. Opened the meal with a bowl of pumpkin soup (meh, I've MADE way better) but finished with an apple blossom. Essentially, a small apple tart/mini-pie/thing that was YUMMY, and it came with a small amount of a sweet, buttery whipped cream and a very small, very cute scoop of ice cream.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
The Cruise - Late First Day Post
Here I am the morning of day two, writing a little bit about day one of our cruise. And, a bit troubling, I started this on my phone rather than the laptop, making it a real challenge to get the pics aligned as I prefer. So this post, just three pics. The first is as we were leaving Seattle. Katy and I went up to the 12th deck as we left so we could see some views of the city and water and experience our departure. It was beautiful and warm at the time, and certainly unique for someone who has never been on a cruise before.
As we headed out, for quite some time we were between Washington to our south and Canada to our north. The second picture is not Canada. This is the Olympia Mountains, if I have that right, and I just wanted to capture the snow-capped peak. The third pic captures Mount Rainier off in the distance as we left port. You can see it in the far right of this picture.
So back to the ship. Once we boarded and found out vaccinations apparently mean nothing to the CDC, we set about exploring primarily outdoor areas, where we didn’t have to have a battle between science and politics. We have much left to see, but did get to a very fun comedy show last night, Greg Vacciarello, which was unexpected.
Mickie and Chad joined us for that show, and I think we all had a really good time. Prior to the show, Katy and I stopped for a drink and had a chance to hear a very good musician playing guitar and singing a lot of varying musical styles. Great talent.
If this post seems very disjointed and different from my normal writing, that's because I'm a little disjointed as I get settled in here. I can't post this using my phone as moving images doesn't work in the mobile app, so we ended up paying for a third internet connection (don't ask how much THAT costs) for the week so I can do these and Katy can do more work with her health coaching as needed. The cruise is off to an interesting start. We will try to focus on the positives, of which there are many, and focus mostly on events that allow us to enjoy it as it should be. We are very much looking forward to excursions over the next few days and getting to see Alaska. We are out to sea today and off in the distance I can see some remote Canadian islands to our east. I will post again either tonight (we are 3 hours behind CST at the moment, so most of my posts will likely show in the middle of the night) or first thing tomorrow morning.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Seattle - The Pre-Cruise, Day Two
Our second full day in Seattle began with the realization that, this morning, we could see Mount Rainier from the hotel lobby. Rainer hadn't been visible yesterday, at least not that I recall. Nor had the Olympia Mountains to our northwest. Mount Rainer is, to me, fascinating because it always seems so close, but it's a bit of a drive to get there. What a beautiful view to have so much of the time!
I took this picture while Katy and I waited for Zac so we could head off to breakfast. As we have found so far, finding breakfast involves a little bit of a trek and a lot of luck. So many of the places have lines out the door and very long waits, regardless of time of day or meal. One place I wanted Katy and Zac to try, Piroshky Piroshky, was essentially inaccessible without a very long wait. I don't do long lines, so we haven't even tried. Maybe some other time we will get here when it's not the summer, not tourist season. I was previously in Seattle during April, and I have to say that, as a visitor, that is a much better time to come. Things are pretty jam-packed in July. :)
We did eventually find breakfast this morning and continued on to Pike Place Market in our continued quest to find Katy a hat she can wear on the cruise. We were not successful, but we did find a bakery inside and decided to have a treat. This is the first donut I've had in a few months, and it was pretty good. The exciting part of eating our donut was listening to the guy about 30 feet to our left have entire conversations with himself. There was quite a bit of detail, but from what we could tell, he seemed to be discussing that he had the documentation to prove his innocence...about something. Hey, at least he wasn't yelling profanities for no apparent reason and at apparently no one in particular. That happened outside a Target a little before this near the Pike Place Market. Ah, yes, downtown areas are fun...After our donut adventure we headed back down to the pier and decided to visit the Seattle Aquarium. I have never been to a dedicated aquarium before, so I have no real point of reference. I have been to the aquarium inside the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, which is pretty great, and I think perhaps more impressive, but this was interesting. The best parts were seeing the orcas and sea lions and sea otters swimming around. I'd love to insert a video here, but I don't know that I can make that work inside the blog. Instead, you get a picture of a very cute sea otter, who was resting and then decided to wake up and start stretching, which was hilarious.
We then headed to lunch, where Zac decided the only thing he wanted, or needed at that

So let's move on to dinner. We had dinner at Anthony's Pier 66 (https://www.anthonys.com/restaurant/anthonys-pier-66/), which was REALLY, REALLY good. I had salmon at lunch. I had it again at supper, along with halibut, and a cornbread pudding. This fish was cooked PERFECTLY. You know when you walk in some restaurants just how good it will be, and Anthony's did not disappoint. The food was just right and, from what I saw around the table, everyone was quite pleased with what they had. Zac had Alaskan Crab Legs that were huge. He'd never had them before, but he had watched videos of how to eat them and really enjoyed the process. I was impressed at how easily he figured out how to get the meat and pleased with his willingness to be a little bit adventurous. I probably should add here that several of the kids decided to have coffee with their dessert. Yes, coffee. OK, we are in Seattle, right? But the fact they all like this already is either a little bit worrisome or fairly impressive. I guess I'll go with impressive. I mean heck, I've even had a latte of some sort each day we have been here so far, as I work to teach myself to like coffee more. I don't know why I do it, except I can tell you I am now wanting it nightly, and that has never happened before.
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Full Day #1 - Seattle - The Pre-Cruise
This is OK! It's OK, because we have been training for this. Yes! Zac and I have been on the treadmill, working on long-distance running. Katy has been doing step aerobics, getting into shape...OK, that's all a lie. Well, it's not a lie. We've been doing all those things, but we did NOT train for this. Not really sure how we could, but to be honest, it's not that bad!
If you wear the right kind of shoes, staying on the waterfront in Seattle is a great way to burn some good calories, get some heavy incline work in and see a lot of neat stuff. I was not wearing the right kind of shoes for all of that, though technically, the sandals I was wearing are supposed to be great for walking on trails, etc. Anyway, I digress, aside from some slightly sore ankles, things are going great. Our initial pic is from Pier 56, I think...next pic shows where we were, right next to The Seattle Wheel. I wanted to capture a view of the three of us on the pier.Look how happy! Look at my three chins! I really need to learn how to take pictures from angles that are only flattering. Admittedly, when you are made for radio, it can be difficult, but I'm confident that with practice, I may figure it out. These first two pics were taken after we walked, and walked, found the place we thought we'd have breakfast only to find out they weren't open until 8:30...and walked, and walked, and gave up and went back to the place and got some breakfast. Breakfast was...well, it was a good concept. They lacked in seasoning. Like, salt. Salt would have been a nice addition to the eggs, or the sausage...or some moisture to go on the rather large biscuit would have been good. Again, good concept, just the execution was a little lacking. Now, right next to this place was a craft chocolate shop. I tried some sipping chocolate. It was good. Super rich, but easy to handle, and I was glad it was only four ounces I was drinking.
After a lot of walking this morning, where Katy and I both hit our step goal before 11 a.m., we went back to the hotel to rest a bit and kind of regroup. I nabbed this pic in the very peaceful lobby of our hotel (lobby? not really sure what to call the area) because this tree art, if you will, is throughout that area. It's interesting. Looks like you can move it however you want.
This was welcome downtime before connecting with a friend of mine from junior high and early high school. We had a chance to do lunch five years ago when I was in Seattle for a conference, but this time I had a chance to meet his wife as well. Nik and Meredith are very genuine, made-for-each other kind of people. You can just see the connection and this was my first time meeting Meredith, which was such a joy! I can see why they are so happy together.
I am notoriously bad at getting pictures taken of me with other people, but I stole this pic of the two of them from Nik's FB page, which he posted a few weeks ago celebrating their 20th anniversary.We had originally thought of doing lunch together, but getting in at the hotel restaurant is apparently nearly impossible, so instead we did a mid-afternoon hike through Discovery Park to see some of the beautiful views and enjoy the ridiculously nice July weather Seattle is used to, which we rarely get in July. Low 70s, nice breeze...what is THAT about?
Anyway, I grabbed a pic of the view from a bluff overlooking the water, the islands, the Olympia Mountains in the distance...what a treasure it must be to have such scenic outlooks right in your own city, available at any time.
I thought about taking a picture of the ice cream cone we had a little later, stopping at a local shop in the Queen Anne neighborhood...but it was wanting to drip, and I REALLY wanted to lick it...a lot...so I didn't get one taken. The flavor I chose was 'Yeti'. I can't remember if the base was vanilla or buttermilk, but it had granola, caramel, chocolate chunks and, I'm thinking, something else. I asked for a scoop in a waffle cone. I was then asked if I wanted a topping on it. Oh really? OK, then, how about some hot fudge? THAT was just right. Gosh that was good ice cream.
Here is where I need to interject something for my dad in particular, who will find this interesting. On our way to the ice cream shop, we drove right by Seattle Pacific University. I've known about this place since my childhood, as it always had a strong connection the Free Methodist Church denomination, which dad pastored in for quite some time. I was mentioning this to Nik and Meredith, who was confirming she was pretty sure that connection was still there, when we looked to the left and saw a Free Methodist church. I have to say...haven't seen one of those in quite some time. Driven past the one I grew up in down in Lincoln, but that was just kind of interesting.
OK, last bit for today, because we are resting/relaxing the rest of the day and enjoying the feel of nice, warm showers. As they took us back to our hotel, I was sad to see the afternoon end, but elated at the time we had just had, and so thankful to both of them for taking time out of their Saturday to spend some time with us and showing off their city. The way back to the hotel led us through some beautiful neighborhoods with fascinating homes, on many very, very narrow, very steep, streets heading back down toward the water. Just a great end to a great afternoon, and a part of this trip I will cherish for some time. See y'all tomorrow on Day 2!