Zac was released from the hospital at noon on Sunday, and we've been re-evaluating our time management skills ever since. Last night, we had dinner with Katy's parents, and were able to take this picture before the battery in Katy's camera died. For those of you unfamiliar, Zac is on the right. In the middle is his cousin Ryan, born three months ago in December, and on the far left is Mandy, Ryan's twin sister. Behind Ryan is Jamie, who is almost 5. Those three are Katy's sister Mickie's children. This isn't the best view of seeing the size difference between the three new babies, but it's a pretty good indicator. While Zac is over 19" long and weighs a bit over 6 pounds at present, Ryan next to him is coming up on 14 pounds and Mandy is somewhere over 10 (I can't recall how much).
Zac had a good day yesterday at home, though was certainly a bit fussy last night. We're noticing some issues with gas and he might have a little bit of constipation, but hopefully that'll clear up soon. It was definitely a sleepless night for me and I don't think Katy slept terribly well earlier, as he was noisy about every hour. One thing we have to remind ourselves is that he's early, so he will hit some milestones about 5 or 6 weeks later than he would normally until he's 6 or 9 months old. So while some 5-week-old children might be a little more likely to sleep slightly longer at night, Zac maybe won't for a few more weeks. However, that said, I firmly believe he'll continue to perform just about everything at the age he's at, rather than the adjusted age they ask us to take into account. So we'll just see!
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what a cute picture!
He is so tiny! We are so glad he is home now. We are praying for your energy levels and patience as well as to calm any anxieties. We love you all!
Holly is at 12 weeks on Wednesday and we should get an ultrasound at her next appointment...maybe see if it is a boy or girl!!!
Claire, if you're reading this, look at the post your Aunt Lisa just left. Might be new news to you. :) I'll try calling again tonight. Couldn't reach you last night.
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