We had a busy week this past week and nice Easter weekend. The pics included in today's post are from Saturday, when Claire & Abby went with us to see Katy's mom and dad. The girls came up with their mom Thursday and Claire spent the night with us that night. Not only was she really looking forward to spending time with Zac, but so was Abby. She couldn't wait to get to hold him, so we made certain she could spent quite a bit of time on Saturday feeding and holding him. I told Abby that she is Zac's adoptive sister, just like I had adoptive grandparents when I was a child, and I explained the concept so she'd understand how important she is to him.
Claire takes to Zac very well. She is a natural with children and always ready and willing to help and do anything required. It didn't bother her at all to wake up early when he did on Friday and help with the feeding, and she is very gentle with him. She also wrote him a very cool story as a gift, and we're going to place it in his baby book so it'll be with him always. Abby created a sign for Zac welcoming him home, which we're going to put up in his room along with his other things.
I'd hoped to have a video with the girls in it, but neglected to use that feature while they were here and I'm not sure how I forgot. I did, however, get a number of pictures from the long weekend and they are split between the two slide shows on this page. Hopefully I'll have a new video up later today or tomorrow.
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