OK! So the biggest news today was that they pulled Zac's feeding tube out because he doesn't need it anymore! He's taking all of his meals through bottle now, so that's one less obstacle to overcome. In celebration of this, I've included a picture of his face, sans tube, for the first time ever!
Now, for the other part. He weighed in at just under 5 lbs, 13 oz tonight. That's more than 2 lbs he has gained since he was born. :) But, here's the other thing. He had another Bradycardia (where his heart rate slows too much) last night, and they want him to be 5 days free of those, typically, before they send him home. They may choose to send him home sooner with us, but possibly still on a heart monitor for a bit. THAT, we don't want. He's been stuck to wires long enough, and we're a little tired of them. :)
Okay, I just posted on the last entry--you're too quick for me. He looks great without the tubes!! Yaye!
We are so excited about finally having a nephew after 9 nieces! What a cute picture this is. We are so glad things are progressing nicely and can't wait to meet him and hold him. Soon hopefully. ;)
He is a handsome fellow, like his daddy and his grandpa and his Uncle Dan! Wish we could hold him in person - hope you get to go home soon.
Mom B.
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