Monday, April 27, 2009

The People of Custer Love Us!

Well, maybe not. Apparently, we bring snow.

We have successfully made it to Custer to return Dan and Stacy and are now enjoying a few days of rest before worrying about heading back down to Omaha. As you can see by the first picture I've attached today, we had a bit of a repeat of last May's trip to Custer. Yes, that means snow. Our trip up on Saturday was uneventful until just before Hot Springs when we hit rain. By the time we were north of Hot Springs, and going through Wind Cave National Park, the snow was strong enough to where we could see maybe 500 feet in front of us. We had several lines of buffalo cross in front of us, forcing a wait three times.

We also didn't get to enjoy church Sunday morning as Dan had to cancel due to the heavy snow. This next picture gives you a pretty good indication of just how much we received. This was outside our motel room. We're staying at The Bavarian Inn this week.

Hopefully, by the end of the week, Zac will have caught up on sleep enough to not be tired all the time and falling asleep on Katy, as he did yesterday.

1 comment:

sunny not snowy said...

How cute! The picture I mean. I bet that the snow was fun to see, but a pain to drive in. I love you all!