Friday, April 24, 2009


Just a quick note and then hopefully some new pics in the next few days. We are back in Omaha and so, so happy to have the trip done. It was quite an adventure this week getting everything packed up in time and out of the apartment we had in Midland. Dan and Stacy arrived a few minutes early on their flight Tuesday night and that's the only thing that happened even close to on time!

We planned to get out of town by 9 Tuesday night, but instead were out a bit before 10, then it turns out moving trucks are not made for speed, so a 90-minute trip took 2 hours over to Sweetwater. The motel cost considerably more than we'd been told it would be, but that's just how it goes sometimes. We got to sleep late, got up early, but still didn't get out until around 9:30 or 9:45. Then, we managed to take what is normally a 12 to 14-hour drive and turn it into almost 18 hours, arriving in town well after 2 a.m. Dan and I then had to take the truck to the house, unload my Jeep, then drive back to Gary & Nell's in Bellevue. This meant getting to bed around 3:30 in the morning and then, just to make it fun, I had to get up at 8:15 so I could be back at our house by 9 for the movers to unload! What fun!

Needless to say, I crashed last night before 10:30 and slept until 7:30 this morning. Tomorrow (Saturday) morning, we're off to return Dan and Stacy to Custer and that's another 9-hour drive. What fun! At least we only have 1 vehicle instead of 3 for this trip, meaning we have a better shot of sticking closer to that 9-hour window. I hope to update soon with pics and or video this week! Take care everyone!

1 comment:

Marj. Benedict said...

So glad to have you back and to see you guys soon! It has been too long! Thank God for the safe trip and we are praying for the last leg to be safe also. Be careful. We love you!