Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well, we've been waiting for a tooth to pop through for a few months now, but Zac is definitely showing all the signs associated with teething. Over the weekend he had a sporadic fever, runny nose, and has continued to have some pretty awful diapers to deal with, and those are multiple times per day.

Last week I was fighting off a cold the entire week, so I thought maybe Zac had just caught a bit of that bug, but then again, there was one child in his room that had a runny nose as well, so possibly that was it. But then again, :), a lot of people here are getting sick at the moment, so I know something has been around. Katy is not feeling as well tonight, and went to bed early to try to get a handle on it.

All we know is we hope Zac is actually going to produce a tooth sometime here because he seems more than ready and we're ready to have him stop being bugged by his gums. Since every child in his room currently has a runny nose, maybe they are all going through the same thing. :) And, at his present rate, we'll go through diaper rash ointment at an alarming rate. Poor little guy is not too happy when a diaper change occurs at the moment. This is the first time he's had a rash of any sort or even been under the weather!

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