Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Pool Time

Like most families, we spent Memorial Day grilling out and enjoying time with family.  Katy remembered we had this whale pool we'd never pulled out, so we took it over to Gary and Nell's for the kids to play in.

The temps stayed in the low 80s, so the water didn't warm up much, and it was breezy, but they sure had a fun time jumping around.  You'll notice Mandy has absolutely no fear and goes at it with much more gusto than the boys.  You may also notice she's the only one wearing goggles.  This is to protect her eyes, which are still healing from her recent surgery.  I find her hilarious.

Zac really enjoyed not only the water but several hours with his cousins, who are some of his favorite people in the world.  I will say that the older they all get, fewer arguments and catastrophes seem to occur when they are together.


Grandma in Custer said...

looks like fun! We spent much time cleaning the old house, but had a good day, also! Summer sounds good to me.

Scott said...

Being gone so much meant we didn't do a whole lot around the house on this particular day off. :)