Thursday, June 20, 2013

Zac's Pre-K "Graduation"

OK, yes, I did indeed put the word graduation in quotes. I mean, it's Pre-K, people. It's not like he's on to adult-hood or a career or anything.  Cut me a little slack, if you don't mind.  :)

Beaming With Pride!

Now, having gotten that qualifier out of the way, I KNOW Zac had a great time at his graduation and we, along with Nana and Puddin', sure enjoyed watching him as he literally beamed with pride during the processional and throughout the process. 
Miss Rochelle, Zac and Mr. Jake

I've got links to several videos I took and a few pics here.  I have to apologize for the distance I was forced to be for much of this.  
Mom, Zac, Dad :)

You can't zoom in with video on an iPhone, or at least not with the stock app that comes with it, and the lighting (I was in a darker area) created issues for photos I intended to get, as you can see from the glare in both pics and videos. To the right is the "Tooty Ta" song. Hilarious!

They did a number of cute things during the ceremony, which hopefully you can see and hear in the videos.  One neat thing was taking what the child had said they wanted to be when they grow up and having the teachers give their opinion on what they thought that child would be. 
With His Award

Another neat thing was giving each of the kids a candy bar-themed award for something unique to their personality. It showed me how much they paid attention and really cared and wanted to encourage the kids. 
His Whatchamacallit Award

I would say that, overall, Zac is well-prepared heading into Kindergarten this coming Fall and La Petite did some good things to aid in that preparation.  At times, they did challenge him,and he is always looking for that opportunity to learn.  Not sure he got that one from me, have to say.  :)

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