This is not easy on Zac, if only because he no longer stays asleep while in his car seat the way he used to. It could be because he's outgrowing it. Take a look at how close he's getting to the top of it in the pic to the left!
When he was younger, he loved the car seat and even preferred it for sleeping. Now, he'll often drift off in the car but shortly after we reach a destination, he's awake. This is problematic if I need to do something outside the house during one of his nap times because he ends up cutting short his nap. Yesterday he never did get more than maybe 45 minutes of continuous sleep, so by the end of the night he was pretty tired. Despite all that, he maintains a pretty good attitude and is still easy to work with. Today I have more shopping to do, as I found very little yesterday, but we'll wait until he's done with lunch before worrying about it. I want him to get a good nap this morning so he's a little more rested for later, when we'll be out most of the time. The pic today is from the other day after we'd returned from running some errands. He has a little toy lion that attaches to things and can be pulled down. He's taken to enjoying it when we're driving and in this pic was resting on it. :)
Planning is in full swing as Katy and I try desperately to figure out what we want to do with regard to moving. We keep going back and forth on things, so I'd ask for your prayers for clarity as we work through all the options. Cost, availability of apartments, waiting on our house to sell and being unsure of when Katy will be offered a job all factor into this. As you can see, it's a lot of variables to be concerned about!
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