My role will be to manage a group of supervisors, who are responsible for a number of agents, for a specific contract. I believe I'll initially have 8 or 9 direct reports, expected to go up to 11 or 12 here before long. Those supervisors are responsible for about 150 employees at present, going up to 200 or so within the next couple of months. It's a great step up from what I did last and puts me on a path to be running bigger things down the road, which is my goal.
If you don't know, Odessa is in West Texas, along Interstate 20, probably 4 1/2 to 5 hours west of Dallas. Yeah, that's a long ways out west, but I'm told by both my pastor and my worship pastor that it's a nice area with nice people. I spoke to a few of them Saturday afternoon while researching apartment costs and was very pleased with how personable they were.
Please continuing praying for us, everybody, as this is a difficult process. We have quite a bit to do and not a lot of time, including getting our house ready for sale this week, researching everything from places to live to utility costs to moving our things to whatever you can think of. It's a lot, but we are secure in the knowledge that God chose this place for us, so He must have great things in mind. If we hate the town, even, that's OK. He moved me back in 1999 to Jackson, MS and I absolutely hated it, but spiritually that year was a wonderful time of healing and growth. I know God has wonderful things planned regardless, so we're just going to go at it full-speed and have fun!
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