Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Zac Size Update

Wanted to pop in here with a quick size update for Zac. He's 18 1/2 weeks right now, meaning he's in his 4th month, though we know he still does some things like a 9 1/2-week-old baby since he was 9 weeks early. :) He had a checkup today and received some shots. It's the shots and his extreme tiredness that kept me from taking a picture to post up here today, but we'll get one up in the next day or so.

So here are some particulars on size. He's 12 lbs, 8 oz. and 23 1/2 inches long. Now, at his last visit about 5 weeks ago, he had been measured at 23 inches, though I know that was wrong, that he was really 22 1/2 inches. Today, in fact, I had to make the guy measure him a second time to get his true length because he initially measured him at 23, even though you could see his heels touched at least the mark at 23 1/2 inches. So, we'll go with that measurement, though he's really closer to 23 3/4. If he was a regular 4-month-old, he'd be in the 5th percentile for height (was 3rd percentile 5 weeks ago) and 10th percentile for weight. I don't know where he fit into the scales last visit. I didn't have Dr. Ogden give me an adjusted percentile for what is considered his true age (generally take a month off) but maybe Katy can ask that when she goes in tomorrow. That's it for today. :)

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