You guessed it, Monday morning I am having 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth removed. When I inquired of God as to why I had to have this done, He simply replied that it was time for me to "stop hoarding all the wisdom and let some others get in on it for a bit." I think the method for being forced to give up some of my apparent great wisdom is pretty lousy, but I can see His point. Really, how fair would it be for me to be the only oracle when others could also get in on the act?
Some of you may be wondering why they are leaving one of my wisdom teeth in. Well, I'm sure there are actual dental and medical reasons for this, but my personal opinion is that if they remove that last one, the next sentence to leave my mouth around the house will be something akin to "I love Hot Pockets!", followed by a toothy grin and a watery "Phhhbbbtttt." That's it. I genuinely fear for what is to come. I really do.
UPDATE, Monday Morning 10 a.m.: Alright, nothing on the wisdom teeth as that happens in about 45 minutes, but wanted to include this pic of Zac I just took while he's out cold this morning. I've decided that when he is sleeping is just one of my favorite times with him. And no, I'm not trying to be funny. It's just that when children are sleeping, there is nothing else to consider other than watching how amazing they are. He's so cute, you know? I like to simply sit and watch him sometimes. It makes me feel good inside. :) I did the same thing with Claire, too. It was always so enjoyable to watch her sleep. So peaceful, so carefree, so happy.
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