Sunday, July 4, 2010

A July 4th Haze

Thought I'd try to get a video up right away tonight now that we're home from our July 4th festivities. After a day full of rain which did not end until well into the afternoon, we ended up with a beautiful evening for grilling and fireworks. Zac took a few moments to enjoy the trampoline at his cousins' house and had a very good time. This video is that event and, though it says it's 1:58 in time, the converter I use duplicated the second half. It's really a minute of actual video, then 58 seconds of the same video without sound. Overall tonight, we had good food and good company and good haze. What's that you say? Good haze?

Well, the heavy rains all day turned to a very still evening with temps in the low 70s. While that sounds perfect, what we really had was a sticky, no-wind environment which, when everyone began lighting off fireworks, resulted in a huge haze. This was the thickest we've seen it in the past several years, but it didn't take away from out enjoyment of it! While Zac was fairly tired by the time fireworks began going off, he did enjoy them and sat in the chair for a good deal of time watching with his cousins.

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