Saturday, October 4, 2008

Patty Cake

I uploaded a new video today of Katy playing patty cake with Zac. It should be displaying on the right side before too long. He loves playing that with her, and always gets a kick out of it. We've been trying to get a video of him rolling over for over a week now, but he just hasn't been cooperative when we've specifically tried catching him. We'll get it up there eventually. I had hoped to add a new pic to this entry, but he's not much fun at the moment and that makes him much less photogenic than usual, too, so I'll try to get one up later today or tomorrow.

Katy and I had opportunity to go to our first small group meeting this past Wednesday night. We're in a group with many couples, and we're pretty excited about the chance to spend time with them even outside the study, plus several have already volunteered to watch Zac for us. That means we might actually get a date night sometime soon. You don't really understand just how badly you need that once you have children until you go several months without a break. Yeah, we could use it. :)

NOTE Added 2:04PM: I seem to be having issues getting the correct, most current videos to display. As such, I'm going to now insert the patty cake video here and create a new post with the latest videos I posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the videos he is soooo cute!! hi Zac!!

Love, claire