Saturday, August 23, 2008

Katy & Zac Here!

Just a quick note...Katy, Zac and Nell arrived late Thursday night, Friday morning at about 3:15 a.m. It was a long night for all, and I know most of us didn't get much more than 2 hours of sleep or so. My boss was kind enough to give me a short day Friday after I had to work a short day Thursday when the movers arrived, and we celebrated Katy's 51st birthday with dinner at On The Border. Why 51? It's a long story related to some confusion at Sears several weeks back. Why On The Border? Because of course, where else do you go for Mexican food in West Texas? (he says with tongue very much planted in cheek)

I had people lined up to embarrass Katy with a song, but she declined dessert and I couldn't find the person who'd agreed to get people together for it, so we had to skip it. That's OK, though, because she enjoyed her birthday dinner and we enjoyed the evening together.

Nell left Midland this morning at 9:40, or was supposed to, on her flight back to Omaha. What a huge help she was to Katy these past several weeks, helping her pack and then driving down with her so she'd have extra assistance when I couldn't help out. We're very, very thankful for such a good mom and mom-in-law. Pics to be added soon! We need to download a pic of us in front of the townhouse here in Midland that Nell took for us yesterday, so I'll get that in before long.


Anonymous said...

We were waiting for an update when you could get over being quite so tired! We prayed your family all the way (almost) to Texas and thank God for His provision. I, too, was thankful for Nell and all her help. God has blessed you and I know you realize it. We are waiting for the new pic. Have a good weekend. The baby shower went well and we all marveled at your generosity to Holly. Give all a hug...


Scott said...

Sorry the pic is taking so long! It's on Katy's camera and we don't have room to set up her PC. Pulling the memory card out and putting it in mine tends to make it act up when it goes back into her camera. Hopefully soon!