For lunch we walked over to a 50s style diner and had a pretty good meal and very good shakes. Zac and Katy shared a Coke shake and I had a chocolate malt. After this we dropped back by the Christmas store and picked up our ornament, which you see here to the right and above a bit.
This afternoon we had plans to have our pictures taken at the hotel. There were opportunities for so many good shots, but due to timing and location often the sun glare off white tiles or white buildings was so strong we couldn't see. And outdoor shots in the sun mean my glasses are going to turn dark, so for quite a few I took them off. Well that just made my eyes water more in the sun. :) We got enough good ones to pick a few for keeps as well as one they chose for us that was a freebie. The photographer was very nice and I think had timing been earlier in the day, the pics overall would have turned out better and made our decision for what to keep much tougher. I'll share the pics here before going on.
We did have a nice dinner at the Beach Bar restaurant the hotel has, and that was very enjoyable. The breeze eventually cooled down a little bit as the sun began to set, and the two-piece band on stage (with an amazing guitar player, I should say) kept us entertained.
Yes, several Elvis songs about the area were sung and hopefully the video above plays for you. One funny thing during dinner was that these birds, which walk around like we aren't even there, are constantly looking for crumbs off the ground, and at one point I felt one of them peck at my toes. After that I decided to move my feat to the beat of the songs, just in case. :)
Zac's tummy was a bit unsettled (too much in the way of sweets today, perhaps) so he headed up to the room while Katy and I enjoyed the music a bit longer, then I took this pic of her on the beach as the sun was setting. Her phone doesn't grab light as well as mine (of course mine grabs NOTHING right now) so I had to work with it after the fact a bit, but I think this is a pretty good representation. I nabbed another shot or two of the sunset, along with a large sailboat in the distance right in front of it, and we spent a few minutes along the water letting it rush over our toes and enjoying the peacefulness of the evening. Tomorrow we drive around the island stopping at spots along the way to dip our toes in the ocean and get some shaved ice. We're ready! Obligatory Hawai'i sunset shot below, sailboat in the distance. Enjoy! :)
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