Friday, May 13, 2011

Claire Choir Concert

Last night I had the opportunity to see Claire perform in her year-ending choir concert for school. I've included a few videos I tried to grab of her group here. 

The quality isn't that great and for some reason my phone hesitated a few times, but you get the gist.  It's hard to see, but Claire is right in the middle of all the people singing. 

And you can't see it here, but she smiles whenever she sings, while most of the kids seem to think smiling while singing is the worst thing they could do.  :)

It was a long day driving down to Independence after work and then driving home, but well worth it to get to spend that time with her and spend this weekend with her up here in Omaha.


Grandma in Custer said...

These kids sound great! I'm glad you could be there and also that you recorded some songs for us to hear. Hope you have a good weekend together. We are all proud of her.

Aunt Stacy said...

Wow! Great job Claire! You all sounded great.