Well, we are finally getting our first big snow of the season, enough so that Interstate travel is not recommended and we couldn't make it to Lincoln today for work. Zac's daycare had already closed anyway, so here we are, watching a beautiful snowfall, though I have to say I literally hate snow and winter. I don't mind watching it fall, just so long as it doesn't accumulate. :)
Thanks to my snow blower deciding NOT to work again this year, I had to shovel our long driveway. As I finished that, Katy brought Zac out to enjoy the snow. Now, last year we brought him out and he was not crazy about it at all. But this year, he's already had some opportunity at daycare to play in the little bit we've had, and he was definitely into it this morning. He went right in, even helping me shovel for a bit! I've posted the pics in the album to the right, and also on Facebook, but here is a video to enjoy. A higher-quality version exists on the YouTube account. Just click the link to the right or go to YouTube and look for my channel, jewfrat1. :)
You know, Scott, I have never had the pleasure of shoveling snow. Dennis used to in Nebraska and Colorado but I've always lived in West Texas. If it snows, give it a few hours and it will be melted :)
"Pleasure". Not often a word heard or used where we have to deal with snow, Marcy. :) Tell ya what, much as I hate snow, apparently I dislike not having a change of seasons even more. At least not yet. Every year I go through winter my dislike for it grows. Eventually, we'll either end up as one of those snowbird couples or we'll just move someplace warm for good. :)
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