Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Accidental Pottyist

That's right. You heard me. I couldn't think of a super catchy way of saying this, so that's my title for tonight's post. The reference? Zac's successful, though clearly accidental, use of his potty tonight right before his bath. For pictures, I bring you the potty itself and Zac in the tub, after the fact. Clearly he's super excited.

Those who read this blog hopefully recognize the boundaries of propriety and will understand why the one picture is with the lid closed rather than open. I just didn't feel it was necessary to show the end results and I'm known to be a truthful guy, so I figure you'd believe me anyway.

Even though this was accidental, we've begun trying to get Zac used to the idea of using his potty as we fully intend to have him trained by the time he is 2, if at all possible. Yes, mostly it's a ploy to save money, but also, we don't want to deal with it any longer than we have to, so we have a fairly aggressive goal. :) So, he won't walk yet, but he's willing to use the potty which, by the way, stays in the bathroom in our house. We only have the one level we actually live on, so we figure he can get used to going to the bathroom in the actual room from the start and it's not a huge problem for us because we only have the one floor. That's it, folks!

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