A Few Easter Pics
Well this is Easter number two for Zac and this year we got him a little basket full of some goodies. These pics are of him checking out his new things and I should note he has become especially pleased with the little stuffed chicken in a half egg shell we bought him. Note also he has a firm grip on his pink pig, which he received his first Sunday at our church down here. He loves that thing and it's like his security blanket, but in pig form.
Another new item today is a video that should be showing on the right, or again as always you can click on the Family Videos link below that to catch it. What we have noticed is that Zac definitely favors his left hand and his favorite color at the moment appears to be red. When we placed 3 Pez candies in front of him Sunday, he initially went for the one on the left, but then quickly grabbed the red one. Not the pink one, mind you, but the red one. We tried to capture this on video and he does go for the red one eventually on the first try, but aims for the left one on the second try.
So, we may have a crazy southpaw son, but at least his favorite color is right. Go Big Red!
Hi Zac,
I'm glad you had fun with your Easter basket goodies. I like your chicken, too.
Your cousin Jamie will be glad to know your favorite color is red. It's his favorite color too!
I am eager to see you and your mama and daddy. I'm sure Uncle Dan and Aunt Stacey can hardly wait to see you, too. I hope you have a good trip.
Love, Nana
Well I'm glad his fav. color is red, because it goes well with blue: my favorite color!
I love you all!!!!
PS: Zac, I hope you had a good Easter!
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