Wind And More Wind
One of the things we were warned about early on here in West Texas was how the winds will go weeks without stopping. I will say that, to date, we haven't run into that, however they are fairly constant and today we're having one of those gusty, windy days we've become used to. Thing is, the winds here blow around plenty of fine dust and dirt that ends up in your teeth, hair and pretty much everything. This is the reason people here get so bothered by the wind all the time. At least in many other places, where grass exists, the winds don't blow around all the extra dust. One good thing, though, is that the winter storm system that has been so busy this week dropping blizzards and tornadoes, depending on your location, isn't coming quite this far south. The snow and freezing rain stayed about 2 hours north, as expected, and then 4 hours north Amarillo got hit pretty good today. Good for them. They can have it. :)
Took these pics today of Zac with his music table. We purchased this for him for his birthday after seeing how much he loved something very similar at Christmas Nell had bought for Ryan and Mandy to enjoy. He loves this thing and plays with it every day for quite a bit of time.
Also, look for more videos today over on the right. I uploaded 4 new ones just showing Zac playing around today.
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