So instead, today I give you a picture of Zac taken this week when he trapped himself underneath a chair in the dining room. Look for some new videos to post on the right side sometime today as well once I get them converted to a smaller size and upload them to YouTube.
Zac is pulling himself to a standing position on everything now, and working at taking steps side to side to move along. He'll go back and forth between objects, but making an actual move hasn't yet happened, though he does keep lifting a leg up as though he intends to take a step. And now that he's conquered getting back to the floor, we figure it won't be but another few days before he's moving along and then we can attack balance and taking his first steps.
This week we have to get his first year shots as well. Since the pediatrician here refused to see him before his first birthday (while he still had insurance through me), I'll run him off to a clinic run by the county this week for those necessary shots. Hopefully it won't be too traumatic for him. Nobody likes getting shots. :)
He looks so cute in this picture. I love you all!
-Claire Benedict
He is kinda cute, isn't he? You were super cute at his age as well!
Love you sweetie!
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