Zac is doing all the fun things parents look forward to like beginning to hold his own bottle when he takes it, grabbing onto things and using his hands more, and he is just about rolling over. He's there, and sometimes will push himself onto his back using his face, but hasn't quite grasped the idea of rolling completely over to his tummy and then back, and using his arms to help out. It's fun to watch, and hopefully we catch it the first time it occurs on video so we can share with everyone else. :)
So football season is upon us, or as some parts of the country call it, "Fall", and I'm super excited. People down here are excited about the high school season, but I guess if you're not a part of it, it doesn't seem any different than it does up in Omaha or Lincoln or anywhere else. While fall temps have hit Omaha and even Kansas City this past weekend, it's still in the 90s down here. Woo...hoo. :) Actually, I know I'll be very grateful for warmer temps once the snow and ice hit everywhere else but here. Then again, they said it never rained and as soon as we got here, it began raining consistently. They say it rarely snows or has ice, but how much do you want to bet this year will be some type of record? That would be just our luck. :)
Last, I know that since I've not updated the site as often, we're getting fewer comments and yet I know people are reading. We were a little surprised not to receive ANY comments to the last posting, especially. So do us a favor and, if you do read this, drop us a note here and there so we know we're getting through. We'd sure appreciate it! Thanks all!
Wow, Zac sure is getting big! Or maybe he looks so big cause Holly's new little one looks so small. Anyway, we miss you guys and hope all is going well with new jobs, etc.
Were you expecting comments on Zac's lovely hairdo on the last post? It was so amazing that it defied comment! We all do wait every day for a new post and are so happy when it arrives, even if we do not write back. Keep it up and God bless all you do.
Sorry we don't get more up there. If I let it, I could work 12-hour days, easy. I have a hard time getting out of there before 5:30 or 5:45 most nights. It's just crazy! So, we're adapting to a new, much busier schedule, especially with Zac in daycare and all. Pretty sure he is teething right now. We have all the symptoms, just no teeth! :)
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