He's doing very well, and recently has decided to begin sleeping for 7 or 8 hour stretches at night, which makes our lives a lot easier. After he eats, if he wakes up 4 hours later (his normal feeding pattern during days), we can even coax him into going back to sleep for a few extra hours. As such, we're introducing him to the joys of cereal, which in itself is a very separate "joy" for us. So far, so good, though, as he's taken it pretty well the past two days. We bought a booster chair with tray that adjusts to height and reclines a bit that fits on our kitchen chairs, and he'll begin eating in that today sometime.
Quick job update...I had a call Friday morning about a position with Pamida. For those of you in the South, Pamida has stores that are similar to a Shopko or Target or something along those lines. Essentially, a smaller retail outlet with lots of variety. They need someone to manage their help desk at the headquarters here in Omaha. The interview went very well and the people were very nice. They want to move quickly, but I believe are going to speak to one more person. In one sense, Katy and I have kind of set our sights on moving, but if God wants us to stay here in Omaha, we know it'll be for great reasons He has planned!
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