Not actual puppy dogs, mind you, but Zac in one of the cuter towels we've been given. We took this pic last night after Katy had given him a bath, and thought it was blog-worthy today. Zac has many cute outfits and accessories, and we have many people to thank for providing so much of what he needs. If I had to guess, I'd say Katy and I have only had to buy 2 or 3 things, clothing-wise, for Zac. We have so many clothes that it's really going to help save us some money even as he gets bigger.
Cold and rainy here in Omaha today. Supposed to be much warmer beginning tomorrow and through the weekend, but right now we're around 40 degrees, which doesn't make for a normal spring day in Nebraska. This is one of the colder winters and starts to spring we can remember, and we're just looking forward to the sunny days ahead. Have a great weekend, everybody!
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