So we now have a burrito boy. Or at least that's how Zac looks when the nurses wrap him up nice and snug now that he's in a big boy crib. Yup, today he's in a crib, which makes it a ton easier to take care of him AND we now get to just hold him whenever we want. :)
You can see the burrito boy pic in the slideshow on the right side, but the pic in this post is when Katy had him up to her shoulder earlier this afternoon. Not as good a pic as I'd hoped to get, but we'll do better soon.
Alright, now the next step is getting him to eat on his own. The nurse earlier told us to expect he'd be here probably another 3 weeks as it takes them a little while to transition to this stage and get to where they are taking in food the way they need to. So we're gearing up for that timeframe mentally and that will give us at least a date range to expect. Twice today we've been told that him getting into a crib was a big step toward going home, so that's good.
Speaking of that, the case manager for the NICU called earlier today to ask if they could use Zac, and us, in promotional materials including a video and some photography they are creating for NICU parents. So that begins tomorrow morning around 9 or so, and we said we'd be happy to help. Plus, this means Zac can say he was in a video! The materials will be produced by the media communications department here at the Nebraska Medical Center, the same people who create the commercials that air at least locally and are very well done.
One more thing. We found out today that so far all of his tests have come back negative. That includes both MRI scans, the EKG and the chromosomal bloodwork. We're just waiting the results of the metabolism, or fatty acids, test, which should arrive yet this week. All signs point to everything being totally normal. So that's the news for today!
Wow! I bet it is exciting right now. I sure remember the first time I held you, Scott. You were the first so it was very special but then it is special for each one. We keep remembering y'all and Zac in prayer. How is Claire taking all this? I hope she is also very excited. has she been up to see Zac yet?
Claire is coming up this weekend to see Zac. She's very excited about him, as is Abby.
Burrito know he will never live that down in this family! :-) He is very cute (definitely looks more like his mom). Hope Katy is feeling well and has plenty of energy for when he goes home. Love you all!
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