As is standard with children of all ages, and certainly babies, Zac is already outgrowing clothes. The preemie outfits he had (sleepers and onesies) are already too short and some of the newborn-sized stuff is getting too small now as well. It's strange to think he could grow out of anything, but he is. This outfit is one Claire & Abby (or maybe just Abby?) picked out for him and brought us last weekend. He's yawning here right before his 6pm feeding.
They tell us last night he weighed in at 5 lbs, 9 oz. That doesn't seem quite right to me, as that'd mean he'd gained 2 1/2 oz. yesterday. So we'll see what holds tomorrow (Saturday) and maybe that'll give a clue. Also, they'd measured him Thursday night but the measurement wasn't accurate as it was shorter than he was last week. I don't think he's shrinking. :)
Other than that, Zac took all of his feedings today by bottle except for just a tiny bit and that's good. We're still waiting for that day when everything just kicks in. Our nurse reiterated to us today that she thinks it'll come any day now. So we are looking for a second car seat to be prepared for having one in each vehicle. We thought about buying a base for the seat and carrier we have now, but the base alone is almost $50. We can get a very nice seat that accommodates infant to booster for $80 on up, so we'll go that route instead.
For those of you aware, I'm trying to finish a room in the basement to use as a bedroom so Claire and other guests have a place to stay when they come, now that Zac is taking what was the guest room. It's going slowly. I have most of the supplies, save drywall, the ceiling system and some wiring, but what's held me up is getting the furring strips into the cement block wall so I can add insulation, then drywall.
I've never done this before, so it's all a learning experience. I've gone through two different types of drill bits, in two sizes, to get the right one. Then I found it was tough to get the right angle to drill the holes as I get near the top of the wall. To remedy this, I bought a power-actuated hammer which uses a .22 caliber load to supposedly pound a nail into the concrete. Yeah, that works REAL well. Most of the time, it goes in not perfect, is still sticking out about an inch, and when I try to pound the nail in, it just bends. So I end up using a metal cutter attachment for my drill and cutting off the nail, then trying to drill a hole for a screw just like I was before. Aaaccckkk! :) I'll get there. Thing is, that drilling is hard work, so I wear out after awhile. If the nail gun thingie had worked, I could've been onto the insulation by now.
So, looking at a little bit before the room is done. I hope to get the strips fully attached by early next week so I can move on with the easier stuff. Turns out, concrete block is really tough stuff. I had no idea! :) That's it for today, folks. Catch you all tomorrow.