Zac's Aunt Mickie & Nana took him and his cousins to get their pictures taken last week. This is the one we received a copy of. It sat nicely on the dining room table, underneath another piece of paper...right up until the cats decided they had to play with it. This is not the first time something like this has happened. It's almost like the smell of the picture, somehow, is attractive to them. At any rate, I pulled the picture in and edited it, touching up the areas they bent, which just happened to be over Zac's hair and the right side of his face. Hopefully I did well enough to make it somewhat hard to notice.
So it's October 21st, and so far no more snow of any consequence since the last post. Just a few flakes here and there, and those are mostly inside our house. :) Zac will be dressing up for Halloween as a cowboy and get to experience the fun of getting candy for the first time. Last year he was that cute tiger, which I posted on here. Gotta say, this is one cute kid.
Well it's October 10th here in Omaha and we're receiving our first snow of the year. Ummm......WHAT?????? I know, I know. Some of you are thinking, "We've been having snow for a few weeks now; what's the big deal?" Yeah, I don't care. This is Omaha, and while we occasionally receive some flurries in October and, about every 10 years or so we get a blizzard in's been 12 years since the last big October snowfall. OK, but that was around Halloween. We just BEGAN October! Not cool.
Know who else thinks it's not cool? Zac, apparently. We took the opportunity to let him walk around in the snow a bit. His excitement may have been tempered by a desire to go back to bed, or that I wouldn't let him hold his pig initially, but either way, he was not a fan. But, just to prove to him years down the road that he at one time did not like snow, here are a few pics for us to enjoy the morning by, as well as his Ed Grimley/Alfalfa pic from this past week. :)
Katy took this pic of Zac earlier today and though I've shared it with a few of you, I felt the need to post it on the blog tonight. It's almost too cute for viewing, in my opinion. I mean, don't you just want to melt looking at that face???? As you can see, Katy dressed him in the little jean jacket (yes, Levi's) she picked up for him at a consignment shop and he's holding his favorite thing in the whole world, his stuffed pig. This is that pig he received his first Sunday at Crossroads Fellowship down in Odessa, TX when we lived there last year. It's crazy how important it has become to him. He can't sleep without it, though he functions just fine without it otherwise. :)
Katy and I are enjoying the fruits of both of us having jobs now, but please continue to pray for us as we work through overcoming two years of struggles while I was rarely employed. God has blessed and continues to do so, and we want to assure we continue to honor Him with our first fruits. :)