Thursday, January 29, 2009
Zac Likes Eggs & Milk
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
TV Birthday Pic & The Cats

On a completely different note, for some time now Katy and I have wondered, often aloud, as to the relative lack of "cat-like" qualities are cats seem afflicted with. I've had cats ever since I was young, and I don't know if there is a difference between male and female cats or not, but all my previous cats were males. These two, The Ocho and Millie, are both females. So, possibly, there is some scientific evidence that might back up the following observations.
Millie also has a real issue with what I call "spatial awareness". Now, every cat I've ever had liked to walk along with you or sometimes sit right behind you and be seemingly under foot. However, not a one of them would walk directly in front of you completely oblivious to the fact you were there. Millie has an uncanny ability to find a way to be 100% in the way at all times. I've stepped on both the cats, but Millie much more often. The other day, she decided that as I was headed upstairs, she had to race me up there. She was two steps past me when she slammed, head first, into one of the steps, shook her head, wobbled a bit, then raced on up. Sheesh.
Monday, January 26, 2009
New Video Post!
Thought I'd get something new up here for everyone. I took this last week but never got around to pulling it off my phone so I could put it up here. I apologize for the quality. The cell phone is great for getting video without a time limit and that takes up very little space, but the quality isn't as good as Katy's digital camera can do. This is a good representation of Zac every day. Laughs a lot and gets a kick out of most anything.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Central Texas Weekend
The weekend trip was good for us, as we had a chance to get away, focus our energies on positive things and it's possible we even made some good job contacts for me. But regardless, it was fun and relaxing. Aside from my very unfortunate episode Friday night in which my supper from Burger King decided it needed to come back up for a visit, we had a good visit.
Burger King,
Cactus Motel,
Copperas Cove,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Here We Go Again
Hey everyone. Well, as if the 11-month job search last year wasn't enough fun, we get to do it all over again. My company let me go yesterday in what could best be described as a short-term cost-cutting measure. What's crazy about it is that about 4 months from now the site expects to have enough agents to again justify my position. But, that's what you get sometimes in the corporate world and that's just how life goes! :)
Please pray with us that God will direct us and guide us quickly to the next step. We can't afford to go through another spell without income so it's critical that I find something right away. I have quite a few irons in the fire, but again am doing a long-distance job search, so that always makes things a bit more difficult. We have no doubts, however, that God is good and is taking care of us. We just can't see His plan yet. :)
Please pray with us that God will direct us and guide us quickly to the next step. We can't afford to go through another spell without income so it's critical that I find something right away. I have quite a few irons in the fire, but again am doing a long-distance job search, so that always makes things a bit more difficult. We have no doubts, however, that God is good and is taking care of us. We just can't see His plan yet. :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Right now, we're waiting for him to figure out he can pull himself up on just about anything rather than just shorter boxes and to begin walking alongside things like his cousins do. We enjoy each step forward he makes in anything and in the fact he loves to laugh so much and has so much fun in everything he does. From here at the house to when he's with his sitter to all the people at church, he just smiles and laughs and has a great time.
Today is the 11th, and in just 3 weeks, Zac turns 1 on, yes, Super Bowl Sunday. Last year, with Katy still recovering and Zac of course in the NICU, we watched part of the game in Katy's room and the second half entirely in Zac's room on a tiny LCD TV they have in the NICU rooms. It was still fun! Our question as his birthday looms is, "how much of his first birthday cupcake and ice cream will he actually eat and what will we be left to clean up when he's done?" And no, I didn't mean off the floor. :)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Calm Before The Storm
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!...and 85 New Pics
That picture of us in the snow is just an example of how tough Nebraskans really are. And that thing Zac is sitting on? We call that a Frisbee in Nebraska. Not sure what everyone else calls it...a saucer sled, maybe?
We have one here of Zac and big sister enjoying some time in the basement at Gary and Nell's house. :)
Also, I've got one here of Zac and his cousins...this was as close as we could get to all 3 looking anywhere near cameras at the same time.
And then last, Zac started pulling himself up on things today for the first time. He's 11 months old today, so that seems a good milestone for him to hit. I am told that on Tuesday at his sitter's house, he climbed the stair between their entry and the living room and was up and down all day. That, too, is a new development. Take care all!
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