OK, y'all were due more pics and I finally figured out how to easily copy pics from our phones to the PC via Bluetooth, so today I uploaded new ones! Woohoo! We'll work on video again this week. So, this picture we took tonight. I walked upstairs to reset our router after our Internet connection went down to find Katy laughing almost hysterically at Zac. In the picture, you'll see the jammies he is wearing and what is supposed to be an accompanying hat. The jammies and the hat are 6-9 months for the size. While most of what Zac is currently wearing is 12-month stuff, and he has for a month or so, still, you'd think that if something fit, the hat that went with it might also fit. I don't think Zac has a particularly large noggin, so that can't be it. At any rate, it was funny enough for me to run back downstairs to grab the phone to take some pics to share with you tonight.
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. While we didn't get to share it with family this year for the first time ever that I'm aware, we did get to share it with some friends and enjoyed our day off quite a bit. I must admit that this morning in church, when the pastor asked if everyone was stuffed on Thanksgiving, Katy and I felt a bit of remorse that we didn't get that normal opportunity. I even told Katy that overeating on Thanksgiving has NEVER been something that has bothered me as it does some people, yet we didn't get that chance. That's OK, though, as I fully intend to remedy that during our week in Bellevue for Christmas. :) God bless, all, and I'll have a new post up soon.
I've been wanting to put up a post for a bit but had been hoping to remember to take a picture to capture the moment I planned to write on. Since my memory is fading faster than West Texas can take my health, I'll just write now and share the thoughts.
We've all watched as babies learn new things about taste and texture and shapes, etc. Just watching your child learn each new thing is fascinating. For quite some time now, Zac has been in that mode where everything he sees he wants to touch and, if at all possible, put it in his mouth. It's like his brain thinks, "What's that??? Oooooh. I wonder what it tastes like!"
I'm not really sure where the psychology of all this plays out or where it comes from, and it's not at all important to me that I do know. What I can say with certain confidence is that it's one of the funnier stages babies go through, and watching your own son or daughter try to taste everything in sight lends just enough humor to help get you through the fussy times. These fussy times happen more often now that Zac's awareness of things around him is increasing, so he'll keep himself awake far too long due to his interest in other kids, or animals or whatever is happening in the room, etc. The only time we can guarantee he's sleeping at a regular time is bedtime, which varies slightly by night, but once he's down, he's down.
Yes, I know, not the most benign title in the world, but it grabs your attention at least a little bit, doesn't it? On Wednesday nights, we are in a couples Bible study through church and it's in Odessa. Now that Zac is in daycare in Odessa, that means I'm picking him up after work. From a time perspective, it doesn't make much sense to then drive back to Midland, turn around and head right back to Odessa, at least not every week.
On Wednesdays we have to eat out anyway, due to timing, so we try to eat cheaply. Taco Bell was the choice this week, and in typical fashion around here, it took about 15 minutes to get our food. At Taco Bell. When nobody was in front of us. Yes, that's how bad food service is here. It should pick up once the oil bust occurs and there are more employees around, but the main reason it's bad is that the workers don't care.
Anyway, during that wait, I fed Zac some dinner, chicken & vegetable I believe, and then we were playing. He got a kick out of me blowing on his toes, so I decided to capture a little of it on my phone and here it is. :)
On another front, Claire is getting to be online quite a bit recently, so I get to chat with her now. Makes it a lot better when I know we can connect more often!
In light of how poorly the Huskers played last night, I need positive things to focus on. Zac provides them at every chance, and was doing the same thing this video shows during the first few minutes of the game and again today at lunch. So I captured it to share a little of his laughter, which is always a good thing. It'll show on the right, but I'm embedding it here as well.